
SECTION Sustainable Human Resources Management as a Dynamic Organizational Capability and Human Resources and Social Capital for Sustainable Development

NICA Elvira, POPESCU Gheorghe, MUSAT Mihaela, KLIESTIK Tomas: The Welfare of Social Policies at European Level

ALPOPI Cristina, ANGHELUȚĂ Petrică Sorin: Aspects of Youth Education in the Context of Employment in Romania

MANOLE Cristina: Comparative Study on the Training of Civil Servants in the Member States of the European Union

RĂDULESCU Carmen Valentina, BRAN Florina, ALPOPI Cristina, ANGHELUȚĂ Petrică Sorin: Aspects of Early Leaving Education and Training Systems from the Perspective of Tertiary Education

RADU Ioan, SENDROIU Cleopatra, DEMETER Mihai: Model for Monitorising and Evaluating Global Performance for Public Service Operators

BURCEA Ștefan Gabriel: Strategic Thinking Capacity of Public Servants from Romanian Local Administration: Empirical Evidences from District 1 of Bucharest Municipality

POPESCU Maria Loredana, DOBREA Cătălin Răzvan, BURLACU Sorin: Inconsistency in Natural Resources Management and Managerial Dimension in Economic Management

PEGULESCU Anca-Mariana: Is Transferability of Human Resources Management (HRM) Best Practices a Success Key?

MIRICĂ (DUMITRESCU) Cătălina-Oana: Professional Training and Improvement for the Medical Staff in the Romanian Medical Units Using E-Learning Platform

SECTION Challenges for Strategic Human Resource Management in Global Context and Human Resource Management and High Performance in the Public Sector

PROFIROIU Constantin Marius, NASTACĂ Corina Cristiana: Gender Equality in the Romanian Educational System

BERCU Ana-Maria, ONOFREI Mihaela, VATAMANU (GAVRILUTA) Anca-Florentina: The Performance Paradox in the Public Sector in EU Member States. Key Facts and Challenges

PACEŞILĂ Mihaela: Promoting the Image of NGOS in Society

DUMITRESCU Georgian: Incompatibility of Management Style with Organizational Culture – One Cause of Business Malfunction

GOLE Iulian, BĂLU Petronela Evelina, BĂLU Florentina Olivia: Reality of Contradictory Visions in Saving Environment Communication Area

BODISLAV Dumitru Alexandru, DIACONU Amelia, BALU Evelina Petronela, GOLE Iulian: The Economic and Social Effects of Unemployment in Romania

SECTION New Trends in Human Resource Management Development and Transformation in Public Administration for an Effective Governance and Human Resource Management, Information Technology and Competitive Edge

PROFIROIU Alina-Georgiana, MORAR (BONDOR) Voichița Ioana: Analysis of the Anticorruption Measures Reflected on the Official Websites of the Central Public Administration Institutions

ANDRONICEANU      Armenia,      SABIE      Oana      Matilda, COMANESCU Mihaela, ANDRONICEANU Mihai: New Trends in Human Resource Management – Opportunities, Challenges and Threats

POPESCU Ruxandra-Irina, MINA-RAIU Laura, BUNEA Ovidiu-Iulian: Study on the Perception of Young People Regarding the Importance of Romanian Historical Cities in Promoting the Country Brand

BURLACU Sorin, CIOBANU Ghenadie, RĂDULESCU Carmen: Regional Development in Romania in the Context of Economic and Social Digitization

CIOBANU Ghenadie,  BODISLAV Alexandru, BRAN Florina, POPESCU Maria Loredana: Development the Digital Economy and Industry 4.0 in Romania and New Opportunities for the Labor Market in Romania

CIOBOTARU Arghir, MITRITA Marcela, BUZOIANU Ovidiu: Analysis of the Importance of Managerial Style at the Level of SME’s

BUZOIANU Ovidiu, CIOBOTARU Arghir, BADEA Georgiana Carmen: Analysis of Distribution and Logistics Systems in Romania

DIMA Cristina, NASTASE Gabriel, BADEA Carmen Georgiana: Public Relations and their Role in Creating a Company Image

The responsibility for the articles published belongs to the authors, exclusively.